Monday, 14 June 2010


Recently Boarderline received their new shop decks, they're available from both stores ranging in sizes from 7.75" to 8.25" KAPOW!


Anonymous said...

my wee sister could design a nicer graphic and shes 4.. if an elephant created this with his trunk then please excuse my last comment.. ;)

at least there cheaper? right? muhahaha..

Anonymous said...

The red ones rad, best boarderline design is still that yellow one with the flower from years back

Anonymous said...

Sick! has a krooked feel to it, feelin these!

Anonymous said...

get the denburn boards back in,

Anonymous said...

crooked indeed... oh you mean the company?! my bad.. the denburn boards were stinking too.. although at least they had an amusing concept.. sick if you have no taste i guess.. sick if you do, but in the other sense.. ;)

Colin said...

If you're gonna hate on the boards, don't buy them, otherwise, stoked you're repping. All you need in a shop board is the name of the fucking shop anyway, whether the way "Boarderline" is written is something you are into, thats entirely oppinion based. I would also say man the fuck up and put a name with the comments.

Ross said...

with that tone of sarcasm 'anonymous' can only be one man in aberdeen.....muhahaha....tit ;)

Andrew Dobson said...

Bring back the Denburn /Blade Runner graphic in 33'' by 8.5, Black dipped boards with black graphic.


Anonymous said...

its one thing to criticize a design. saying you could do better. but actually try it, and you wont. These boards are SICK!

bri said...

? enough said... amazing. i agree with both arguments.. i'm not that bothered about that sketchy style font either, seen it a million times and its a bit cheesy.. but that's a personal design choice. i also agree that it doesn't matter that much, just skate them, the graphics shouldn't last that long anyway ha ;) although i reckon a well thought out original design could get them shifted even outside the city.. a sweet graphic is a sweet graphic no matter where its coming from.. what about a local design comp? that could be sick.. open the locality up a bit.. anyway! fun to read through these posts ;) ;)

Anonymous said...

Mike's design is awesome, if you dont like it dont buy it but dont go on here and slag it off like a bunch of whinging maggots. Good wood in good sizes, you should be happy your local shop is still going to the effort of getting these in with so many other cheap brands out there. big up B-line - Joe

bri said...

steady, save it for you tube.. super sensitive peeps! everyone has a choice.. im glad there's a local board and whats so wrong with offering a suggestion here and there.. open the debate! i love a good debate. but i guess if its not welcome then sorry! cheers..

Wilkie said...

if your that fussed about what your board looks like you shouldn't be skating, get a fashion cut instead. i thought it was about the shape and size of your board. wise up or fuck off and buy some blades

Anonymous said...

amen to that.. skating and fashion, no relation what so ever.. ;)

Anonymous said...

hahaha.. looking at nike ad above lolz

George said...

Sick boards. Good, simple design.