Monday, 14 June 2010

JJB JAM 2010

Cheers to everyone who made it out to the car park for a wee skate yesterday, the session was going off.

Notable mentions got to go firstly to Sam Logmire, Chris "Egg/Man Shell/Yolkatron/etc etc" Evans, Wilkie fae Granite Reef and Gareth Morgan for hooking the place up with some good DIY objects, boys done good.

The session highlights for me included a personally powerslide contest before the afore mentioned Longmire and Captain Barrack, more or less anything wee Edinburgh Dan got, Anders, Gav and Mathew Henderson destroying the kicker over trolley gap and Mike Hume's 48 inch hippie jump, which rightfully earned him the coveted JJB trophy.

Other rippers for the day included Dan G, Pete Copeland and Tommo, although I'm sure there were many others. Big shout out to Campbell and Joe Coleman for getting their filming hats on, and extra props to Joe for providing a rad ghetto blaster which was enough to piss off Mr. Bingo down below.

I was stoked on the turnout last night, the Aberdeen scene is feeling strong right now, so roll on summer for some more rad skates.

Colin Bruce.

1 comment:

Barry P said...

winner boys! good job in making it happen! keep on the skate scene! rad!