Monday, 4 October 2010


"Christopher Evans is a normal skateboarder, he lives in a normal street and drives a very normal car. But when Chris sees a bowl he becomes MANSHELL!!! Leaving no tranny un-shcralped Manshell destroys any coping put in his way. Here is a rare glimspe of the man legend in action. Whether it's at livi funday at three in the morning, or at Lincoln City death bowl in the pitch black, manshell always proves his worth on his plank board.......For those of you who dont know already this is what the motivated skateboarder can achieve when fuelled by cheap beer and the woops and cheers of his friends... After Charging a not less than terrifying 8ft by 40 foot snake run Chris 'Manshell' Evans shows the Lincoln City death bowl who's boss with a Pitch black bowl thrash! also completed with fresh tinnie in hand!"

Text and Photo's - Val McReedy


Colin said...


i am sam said...

ohhhh too good colin!!!